fairytale Show

Fairytale wants to awake and rise consciousness, to embody love, respect the planet, its creatures and to believe more in fairies.


Born originally as a street show of 20 minutes, it can be played for different occasions, at daytime or night modus with Led Lights Props and under black light for extra UV effects. It is suitable for all ages, and it is kids favourite. It can  be combined and followed by a Hula Hoop workshop.



Do you believe in fairies? YES I do, I do! … and I wish you believe in them too!

In this show you will get to know more about these divine creatures: wings, rings and other props will be used to fly around and to enter into other dimensions…and when the night comes the lights will sparkle.

Technical details: minimum space 3mt x 3mt x 3mt high


In  2020, this show was performed for the first time at AmuzA EV  - Kyritz´s Festival of Street Art. 

Beesem 20 Kulturelle Landpartie 2024
Beesem 20 Kulturelle Landpartie 2024
Photo Credis: Joe Doe, Liederlauchen am Rand Festival 2022
Photo Credis: Joe Doe, Liederlauchen am Rand Festival 2022
Photo Credis: Joe Doe, Liederlauchen am Rand Festival 2022
Photo Credis: Joe Doe, Liederlauchen am Rand Festival 2022